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Ancient supernova mystery solved

"In 1572, a "new star" appeared in the sky which stunned astronomers and exploded ancient theories of the universe."

Category: Space


UN talks action on space strikes

"The UN's leading asteroid scientist says the international community must prepare to act to prevent asteroids colliding with the Earth."

Category: Space


Space: The mission that changed everything

"Forty years ago the US launched its Apollo 8 mission to the Moon: the first human journey to another world. Its astronauts captured this astonishing photograph which revealed the fragility and isolation of our planet. It has...

Category: Space


Space research centre to open near Oxford

"European Space Agency project will focus on space exploration, robotics and climate change"

Category: Space, Robotics


Organic chemicals: Milky Way's sweetness throughout

"A simple sugar that is an ingredient of life has been found for the first time in a relatively hospitable part of the galaxy."

Category: Space

Displaying results 236 to 240 out of 417